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Why do you dream about receiving? Why do you dream about a letter? Dream: letter from a loved one

Why do you dream that you received a message? In a dream, this is a sign of very rapid changes of varying degrees of importance. The dream book will tell you in detail about all possible options.

Finish what you started!

Why do you dream that a message has arrived? You will have to make every effort to finish the job you started.

If you dreamed that an email had arrived, then the dream book is sure that you will easily find your bearings and find the optimal way out of the situation.

If an anonymous letter arrived in a dream, then in reality troubles will appear from the most unexpected source.

Take action!

Seeing a message on the Internet means that you must immediately correct the mistake you made.

This is also a sign of financial difficulties, which will force you to look for progressive options for earning money.

If in a dream an SMS lands on your phone, then you should take wise advice and prepare for an important meeting.

Why else do you dream that you received a message? Miller's dream book recommends gathering strength - changes are coming in business life.

Seize the opportunity!

Did you happen to receive good news in a dream? In real life, there will be an opportunity to improve your financial situation. If the letter contained bad news, then evil tongues are wagging about you.

For lovers, receiving a romantic message is not very good. The dream book thinks that the romance will last a long time, but will certainly end in a breakup.

What are you thinking about?

To understand what a message means in a dream, it is important to know who it came from. So a letter from a guy you like hints at unworthy interests.

If a modern young lady dreamed that she read an SMS from a guy, then she will be offered to live supported by her lover, which others will perceive extremely negatively.

Seeing news from a guy in a dream means that you will soon learn something amazing about your friends.

Don't worry!

News from a loved one promises groundless worries because of a rival. If greetings came from a man unknown to you, then in reality you will have to extricate yourself from an unpleasant story.

A love SMS from a loved one, according to the dream book, guarantees cooling in the relationship. If he is away, then this will make itself felt in real life.

Be ready!

Why do you dream about a message from your mother? Expect a happy event and good luck in everything. An email coming from a relative marks enrichment or an expensive purchase.

A text message from a friend in a dream promises pleasant communication in reality. If you dreamed that you received news from a deceased person, then prepare for a fateful test.

Did you dream that your ex suddenly wrote? Your hopes for a romantic relationship will not come true.

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Regardless of who wrote the message in a dream, good news promises a pleasant holiday and good luck, while bad news promises resentment and failure.

Further interpretation of the dream, according to the dream book, depends on the content of the message.

  • About pregnancy - to a miracle.
  • About the child - to troubles.
  • About a fire - to increased activity and emotionality.
  • About money - to various issues related to finance.
  • About illness - to recovery/real illness.
  • About an accident - to pangs of conscience, self-flagellation.
  • About marriage - to happy changes.

Remember the date!

The dream book offers a non-trivial interpretation of dreams in which a text message about the date of death appeared. If this is a message about someone else’s death, then dramatic changes will occur in the life of this particular person.

But don’t be alarmed if you dreamed about your own death. In a dream, this is only an indication that some grandiose, and not necessarily bad, event will happen on this very day.

Absolute luck!

Why do you dream about a love message? The dream book is sure that you will meet a very unusual and interesting person.

Sending a love letter yourself means that you will get involved in a short-lived but pleasant romance in all respects.

If you dreamed that the message contained only the word “love”, then in reality success will accompany you in all areas of life.

Take your time!

Remember the text!

What does it mean to personally write a message in a dream? The dream book advises to be extremely attentive, otherwise you will end up in a bad situation. Writing a text message yourself is a sign of determination and self-confidence.

If you change your mind about writing or send something unintelligible, you will worry about unfair treatment. For a more accurate decoding, it is necessary to take into account the text of the message.

Admit it!

By the way, if in a dream a girl writes a simple message like “I miss you,” then in reality she is waiting for a proposal or at least a declaration of love.

Did you dream that a girl was writing an angry “come”? The Dream Interpretation believes that she is extremely determined and can easily break the connection.

Such a dream simply could not help but leave a good impression on the dreamer. Yes, indeed, money dreams give everyone a favorable mood at least for one day. But I would like to know what money means in dreams. In general, the dream book interprets a dream in which money is given as a favorable sign, but you should not relax.

First of all, it is necessary to establish the identity of the sponsor, the size of the “donation”, and in general all the circumstances that are associated with the issuance of money. You should also remember whether the funds were given to you free of charge or not. Any detail is necessary, since it is with the help of unnoticeable details that the subconscious comes into contact with the dreamer.

Interpretation of dreams based on individual plots - details of a dream in which they give money

So, we invite the reader to tune in, imagine this picture and remember the main circumstances of his dreams. Somnologists argue that the contribution to any interpretation depends in most cases on the person who saw the dreams. So, based on the picture kindly provided by your subconscious, find an interpretation specifically for your dream:

  • The money was given to you free of charge. Yes, in the modern world you rarely see such a picture, but in a dream this often happens. The dream books agreed - the dream predicts favorable events in the near future, an increase in financial status, improved relationships with colleagues and the recovery of someone close;
  • Why do they lend money? A dream with such a plot needs to be interpreted carefully, but basically such a dream symbolizes a moral choice; you have to choose between easy money (promotion) and your own feelings and conscience. As a rule, the event after such a dream in the life of some people is a turning point;
  • In a dream, you receive cash exclusively in banknotes from Khabarovsk (5,000 rubles each); you will receive a lucrative, enticing offer in real life. It would be stupid to call for refusal, but it should be remembered that you should not blindly agree to any seemingly advantageous offer after this dream;
  • You received cash in bills of 100, 500, 1000 rubles. If an offer of monetary enrichment comes from a stranger, then the vision predicts receiving a sum of money in real life. Dreams in which you receive treasury notes with a face value of less than 5000 from an acquaintance or friend predict a quarrel between you;
  • You have witnessed the unimaginable - paper banknotes began to literally fall from the sky. But such a dream symbolizes nothing more than a journey. It is, of course, worth clarifying that this is either a business trip, if there was an incredibly large amount of money, or possible detention due to ignorance of the laws, if the money magically ended up in your pocket;
  • Funds have been withdrawn from the card. The money that an ATM gives you in a dream, by mistake or “of your own free will,” is a harbinger of great success in real life. In the future, you will be lucky enough to conclude a profitable deal, complete a profitable project, or otherwise obtain treasured funds in a legal way;
  • We received some change. Yes, it’s not a great dream compared to those described above, and the meaning according to most dream books is depressing - fuss over small everyday issues awaits, or depression over trifles;
  • Receive counterfeit money in a dream. The subconscious, sending a dream with a similar plot, warns the dreamer - you shouldn’t work hard if you’re not sure of the feasibility of the project and don’t do something you don’t like. As statistics show, such dreams simply predict wasted effort, disappointment and deception;
  • They offered you banknotes, but an honest soul did not want to take it. Dreams in which the participant listens to his conscience and does not accept money symbolize missed opportunities in the past; in some cases, they predict missed opportunities in the future, which happens quite rarely;
  • The money was donated by distant relatives. The subconscious tells you that your family hopes for you, believes in your strength and will always support you, no matter what. Perhaps you are worried about some kind of conflict with a family member, but the dream books assure readers who had such a vision - you have already been forgiven, do not despair;
  • The gift came from living (or now deceased) parents. The dream symbolizes a blessing that will follow you into real life;
  • Dead people give you money. Now deceased people provide you with an amount in a dream, if this happened in the world of your dreams, then you should rejoice - in the near future you will have the opportunity to improve your material condition;
  • There is a dream with a specific plot, in which you are unable to see the banknote, the situation is in the way, the light is not falling correctly. Such a dream predicts disappointment, troubles, misfortunes and even disasters;

Interpretation of a dream by famous personalities and dream books - a dream in which they give money according to Miller, Vanga, Felomen and Freud

  1. The Bulgarian seer Vanga speaks very categorically about the meaning of this dream - evil, betrayal and loss. Yes, receiving money in a dream by any means (except for an honest salary) is a sign of a conspiracy, illness or betrayal being prepared against you, you should be on your guard;
  2. Interpretation of dreams according to Miller. Miller speaks very well of the dream, saying that happy changes await the person who saw it;
  3. Sigmund Freud. Freud, as always, gets to the very root of the problem, the psychologist gives the reason why in a dream you receive money from someone - in real life you lack connections (usually sexual) with the opposite sex;
  4. Monetary enrichment according to Felomen's dream book. Felomena's dream book predicts a happy coincidence of circumstances in real life, be it winning the lottery or meeting the right person, in the right place, at the right time;
  5. Interpretation of dreams according to Tsvetkov. The somnologist claims that you will have to fall and get up, lose heart and fly forward again towards your goal, and ultimately you will have the stunning success that you have been waiting for. This is what Tsvetkov dreams of about money;
  6. According to Juno's dream book. According to Juno’s dream book, this situation symbolizes a person’s current standard of living. A huge amount of cash means a person’s prosperity and contentment with real life, symbolizing tough tests on the path of life. If a person receives a rather small amount, it means that not everything is going well in life, but in the near future there will be an opportunity to improve his financial condition. But there are definitely no problems if the dreamer simply loses money in his dream.

Dreams of clues to unforeseen changes.

Lost your keys in a dream - in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events; if you found them, peace in your family and revival in business await you.

Damaged keys portend separation.

If a young woman in a dream saw a door that was not locked with a key, she will have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition.

If a woman dreams that she is locking a door, she will get married. Lost the key - her reputation is at risk.

Nostrodamus argued that the key symbolizes the desire to solve problems in an easier way. He interpreted dreams about a key as follows.

Opening a door with a key in a dream - such a dream prophesies a difficult situation from which you will try to find a way out.

If you found a key in a dream, great things await you. Most likely, you will move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure a comfortable existence for your family. Perhaps you are about to meet a person thanks to whom your life will change for the better.

If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then soon you will go on an amazing journey and visit many countries. On this trip you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

If you saw two keys in a dream, an unexpected turn of events is possible.

Lost the key - you will find yourself in an awkward position.

If you saw in a dream how someone gives you their keys, you will receive unexpected help in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing difficult trials.

If you saw a golden key in a dream, your efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded as you deserve.

You were looking for the keys to your house in a dream - in reality you will try to find a solution to your personal problems.

D. Loff wrote: “Keys are a symbol of power and might. Losing keys means losing control over the situation, losing the means of access to something. Losing keys means not being able to get something important to complete a task, reach people, or access information. Finding a lost key means establishing yourself in a given situation, feeling like a “smith” of your own happiness.

It is interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you cannot find a direct use for it, although you feel that it is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to discover your potential in yourself or in your relationships with others.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream of receiving gifts” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

Absolutely everyone loves gifts: both small children and boring old people. And almost always receiving a surprise in real life brings with it pleasant moments. Why do you dream about receiving a present? To create a reliable interpretation of the dream book, you need to remember all the details in the dream.

What you should pay attention to? Firstly, it is important who exactly gave you the surprise. Secondly, what exactly was the gift: maybe it was a small souvenir, or maybe an expensive car? And thirdly, how did you feel when it was presented, did you like the gift, or were you disappointed?

Why do you dream about a present: general interpretation

According to the predictions of the Women's Dream Book, receiving a gift in a dream is a symbol of extraordinary happiness that you will soon experience. If you have your own business, then such a plot is a sure sign of successful and profitable transactions.

Why do you dream of receiving gifts according to the Russian folk dream book? The interpretation is given depending on the emotions when giving. If you experience joy, then this is a symbol of the giver’s friendly disposition towards you. If the surprise is not pleasant to you, then the person from the dream treats you with contempt.

For those born in the fall, seeing gifts in a dream is a harbinger of a dream book about pleasant communication with friends. If you were born in the spring months, then you can safely expect news from afar, which will bring only good news.

According to Grandma’s dream book, the interpretation of a dream where a gift was given to the dreamer is an omen of fun entertainment that will not bring negative consequences. If the dreamer himself gave the souvenir to his friend, then he soon risks quarreling with him.

According to the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, a gift in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. On the one hand, this is true evidence of an unprecedented rise in spirit and positive emotions. On the other hand, it means success in business, quick achievement of your goal, but only if you are at the stage of opening your own business.

According to the French dream book, the meaning of a dream about gifts has a negative connotation, especially if the dreamer has recently committed some imprudent, impulsive act. Soon he will receive a well-deserved punishment if he does not correct the situation that has arisen due to his fault.

Why do you dream about many gifts? The dream book interprets this plot not very favorably, if all the gift boxes have to be given to someone - this promises huge losses in the near future. But receiving a large number of valuable things predicts amazing events that will happen to you very soon.

Buying gifts in a dream is a symbol of your dedication, your desire to make everyone feel good. The main thing is not to be too zealous, otherwise in return for signs of attention you can only earn contempt and distrust from loved ones.

Why do you dream about choosing a gift? At this point in your life, you are at a crossroads, not knowing which path to choose. And right now it is very important not to make a mistake in your choice, because if you do anything rash, you will regret it for a long time and reap the fruits of your deeds. Why do you dream of looking for a gift? This is a harbinger of a dream book about small problems in business that will be resolved quite easily.

When in a dream you had to give a gift to someone you know, the dream book advises you to listen more carefully to your feelings. Perhaps you feel negative towards the person from the dream, and in the world of illusions you are trying to make amends.

Accept gifts of jewelry and expensive items

Why dream of receiving any expensive gift? Firstly, this indicates a good attitude of the giver towards you, on the other hand, it can be a symbol of self-interest, flattery and bad thoughts.

Why do you dream of receiving a ring as a gift? This is a manifestation of tender feelings towards the giver. Perhaps there are unresolved issues between you and him that are subconsciously expressed through dreams. In real life, the dream book advises to clarify the relationship once and for all.

If a young bachelor had a dream about a gold ring as a gift, then this can only mean one thing: you will meet your soulmate in the coming months, and the legalization of the relationship will be very rapid, since a true, pure feeling will flare up between you.

A married woman who was given a gift - a ring with a red stone from an unknown man, risks being caught in treason. A seducer will appear on her life's path, whom she will hardly be able to resist. As a result, you will need to try very hard so that the dreamer’s family does not fall apart.

Receiving a gold chain as a gift in a dream is a very favorable dream sign for a girl who has just begun a serious relationship. This is a symbol of the sincerity, purity of the lover’s feelings, his selfless devotion to the dreamer.

If you yourself give someone a bracelet as a gift, then according to the psychoanalytic explanation, this is your desire to subjugate this person, completely crush him under you, and force him to fulfill only your demands. If in a dream such a gift cannot be given, or it breaks on a person’s hand, then all efforts will go to waste - he is too self-willed to obey anyone.

Why do you dream about the gift of earrings? If there are people in your life on whom your career, successful and comfortable life depends entirely, then the dream book promises only bad news. Your patrons will turn their backs on you, and if you have not yet learned to do without outside help, then you will have a very hard time.

A dream where a young girl receives gold earrings as a gift has the same negative interpretation. A young lady is deceived by a loved one: having offered her his hand and heart, he will do it not out of love, but for the sake of selfish motives.

If you have a business in your life, a business that brings in considerable income, then receiving a watch as a gift in a dream is a dream book prediction that very soon you will become completely in control of the situation, and you will no longer need any intermediary services. Business will grow and prosper only with your help.

A new acquaintance useful for business is predicted by the dream book if in a dream you were given a wristwatch as a gift. But the positive interpretation of the dream book will be overshadowed by the presence of routine, everyday life, the same thing every day. The annoying monotony will go away when you learn to plan your day down to the minute.

Receiving a car as a gift in a dream is a double symbol. On the one hand, authoritative individuals treat you very well, you are in good standing with them. On the other hand, such a warm and generous attitude may have mercenary roots; beware, you may be used for fraud.

If a young girl saw in a dream that she was given a gift - a car, then this is evidence of a dream book about a secret admirer who, for the sake of his love, is ready to spend his last penny, if only the object of his adoration would pay attention to him.

Other surprises in a dream

A young girl who managed to receive a dress as a gift in a dream can expect carefree and joyful days that will brighten up the monotony so well. And the gift of a comb, which will be well decorated, is made in an original way - a signal from the dream book that very soon you will be surrounded by the love and attention of loved ones who will be ready to fulfill any request and wish.

The plot has almost the same interpretation, where an unmarried woman had to receive flowers as a gift in a dream. A marriage proposal awaits her very soon. For married people, such a dream can mean increased interest in their spouse, his desire to support and help.

A gift such as a soft toy foretells harmony and mutual understanding in a relationship for a couple in love, as well as all the growing feelings. A dream where you were given a doll as a gift has a slightly negative connotation. You often remember your childhood, want to return to it, and the realities of life are very difficult for you. Take control of the situation in life, and then everything will be fine.

Receiving a dog as a gift is a good prediction from the dream book. Very soon you will have to take advantage of unexpected help from a friend on a problem that has been bothering you for a long time. Why do you dream about a gift - a book? The dream book promises good news from people you care about. Most likely, your friends will invite you to a wedding celebration, where you will play an important role, or they will notify you of a long-awaited addition to the family.

Receiving money as a gift in a dream is a dream book prediction about impending financial difficulties, due to which you will have to take out a loan. And your wildest, most daring desires and dreams will definitely come true if you were given a bag as a gift in a dream. Also, such a plot can foreshadow a long journey that will bring a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Why do you dream of receiving a phone as a gift? This is a dream book forecast about news from afar. The dream book predicts pleasant and long-awaited news from afar if you received perfume as a gift in a dream. Also, if you smell the perfume and it is pleasant to you, you can rest assured that they will soon confess their love to you

An increase in self-esteem and many compliments from the opposite sex are promised by a dream where you were given red roses as a gift. The dream book advises about the need to relax and go to a resort if you were given boots as a gift in a dream. Red boots given to a man in a dream are a symbol of his passion, obsessed with power and submission.

Personality of the giver

The dream book’s interpretation of a dream where you had to accept gifts in a dream largely depends on who exactly was the giver. And if you were given a gift in a dream, immediately pay attention to who gave it - this is one of the most important details. You should also remember what feelings the giver showed - joy and tenderness, or sadness and contempt.

Why do you dream of receiving a gift from a man? The dream signals undisguised anger and aggression that comes from your chosen one; it is better not to enter into conflicts. On the contrary, a gift from a loved one in a dream is a signal from the dream book that the relationship is moving to a completely different level - more practical and reliable.

Also, a surprise made by the other half in a dream is a symbol of his secret desires to enter into a marriage. The marriage proposal will be unexpected, made in a very original form.

Why do you dream of accepting a gift from a dead person? This is a clear sign of change in all areas of activity, and what it will be depends only on your prudence. And if the deceased gives a gift in the form of flowers, then such a plot foreshadows the fulfillment of what one can only dream of. You should also pay attention to the facial expression of the deceased.

If he is well disposed, then in reality everything will be fine. And if reproach is clearly visible in his face, then it is worth taking a closer look at the surrounding environment; perhaps you yourself do not notice how you are acting contrary to public opinion. You need to completely change your attitude towards others, and then everything will go uphill.

The dream book promises a series of troubles and debts if you become the owner of a monetary gift from a deceased relative. You can call this a warning dream - be attentive to your investments, do not enter into cooperation on “dark” projects, and then troubles and financial problems can be avoided.

Also, if the deceased gives a gift in a dream, and the action takes place in the most unexpected place, then the dream book predicts incredible luck that will be literally sent from above. Such a dream is especially favorable if the deceased in the dream is your close relative.

Wed, 17 Aug 2016

Since ancient times, dreams have been considered messages from the Gods.

In many ancient religions, the ability to plunge into a state of meditative sleep was regarded as a certain gift.

It was people with this ability who were considered especially gifted, endowed with higher power.

The interpretation of dreams was also treated with great care, especially the interpretation of dreams about gifts. Why you dream about receiving gifts - it’s worth figuring out.

Why do you dream about receiving gifts - general interpretations

Since ancient times, gifts, or gifts, were considered a manifestation of the highest respect for man, for the family, for the Divine. By giving gifts, laying gifts, a person showed his respect and bowed before the Gods. This attitude towards the process of giving determines the current interpretation of dreams about them.

The fact is that when presenting gifts, gifts, the person asked to be given a blessing, grace. When she condescended to him, he received everything he dreamed of. And today, dreams about gifts are interpreted as harbingers of positive, joyful events. They foreshadow the receipt of gifts from above. It could be like:

New relationships;

Joyful events;

Development of existing relationships;


Recovery after a long illness.

Of course, it’s nice to see gifts being presented to you in a dream, but you should be attentive to all the little details of the dream. Perhaps its plot itself is negative. For example, if the dream is joyful and suddenly a gift is broken or lost, such a dream promises troubles and troubles.

If in a dream you receive a crumpled and torn gift, someone is closely watching you and spreading gossip behind your back. What to do in this case is to reconsider your attitude towards the people around you. Among them there was a traitor, a rogue.

Often, a dream in which a person receives a gift promises joy and happiness. It's really nice to have dreams like this. They set a person up to hope and wait for enlightenment in life, to wait for a new joyful period to come.

Why do you dream of receiving gifts according to Miller’s dream book?

Why do you dream of receiving gifts? Miller's dream book indicates that such a dream promises happiness and joy. If a person who has such a dream is engaged in business, he will have the opportunity to conclude new contracts and find new markets for selling his products.

If you receive a gift in a formal setting with many people around- you should expect recognition of your merits soon. Don't put off joy and happiness for later. Let them be. This advice is given by the dream book.

Receive a gift in honor of the birth of a child- such a dream promises a move, a change of residence, a change of job. If the gift is wrapped in a huge amount of paper or hidden in several boxes, a secret admirer is breathing unevenly towards you.

If a man dreams that he receives a crumpled and broken gift- in reality, his hopes for a relationship with a girl will not be crowned with success. The dream book advises not to be discouraged, but to analyze all your actions. Perhaps somewhere you made a fundamental mistake.

Why do you dream of receiving gifts according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book states that dreams about gifts occur at the beginning of a new sexual life. If a lonely guy or girl had such a dream, it’s worth taking a closer look. People around you have been idolizing you for a long time. Someone really likes you.

If a girl is thinking about divorce, about breaking up a relationship, then a dream in which she joyfully receives gifts- promises her new opportunities in her personal life. Old relationships will easily fall away and new ones will come into life quickly.

If a girl dreams of having children and can’t get pregnant- such a dream promises her the imminent appearance of children, she suddenly finds out that she is pregnant. If a pregnant girl dreams that she receives a broken, unwrapped gift, she should be especially careful with her health and the health of her child.

If a young married couple dreams of exchanging gifts– soon a sweet life filled with love and passion awaits them. Such relationships really have a future.

Why do you dream of receiving gifts according to other dream books?

If we talk about the women's dream book, then in its interpretation, receiving gifts is a sign of great happiness and joy. Opportunities to find harmony with yourself. If you are doing business, you should expect good luck in trading operations. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with other interpretations of why you dream of receiving gifts:

If the gift is dedicated to a birthday, good luck will manifest itself in all areas of life;

For a girl to see such a dream, it means a quick marriage with a worthy young man;

If a gift was delivered to you by mail, in reality expect news from long-forgotten friends.

Receiving a huge box with gifts, which later turns out to be empty- to empty hopes and promises. You should not trust people so resignedly; they often use such trust for selfish purposes.

According to the Russian folk dream book receiving a gift in a dream means making a new friendship, gaining favor. If the gift seems inappropriate, or your old enemy gives it to you, in reality they will feel contempt and indignation towards you for your actions.

In Aesop's dream book it is indicated that the gift symbolizes disposition towards the person, the desire to trust, sympathy. Previously, it was believed that coming to visit without a gift was an indicator of bad taste, so they always tried to give gifts even on the most insignificant occasions. Gifts, like dreams about them, should be accepted with gratitude - they carry a piece of the soul of the one who gives them.

If in a dream you saw a stranger who gives you a gift, and you are overjoyed and don’t even look at what’s inside – such a dream promises a love meeting. Also, such a dream could mean an imminent secret date, a declaration of love. There may be good news that you have long dreamed of.

If the gift is flowers or a flower– for a girl, such a dream can mean that she will soon become a mother. For a married woman, such a dream promises a revival of relationships - their new round.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book the gift promises good and long-awaited news. The French dream book indicates that a gift is a dream of punishment for imprudent actions. You should be attentive to every little detail and every word spoken.

Hasse's dream book states that receiving a gift promises improvement in business. It is possible to open up new opportunities and conclude business contracts. The esoteric dream book states that a dream in which you receive a gift from a person you know promises you troubles and empty worries. If a gift was brought to your doorstep and left without a note, look for other people’s things in your home that clearly carry negativity. If an unknown person gave you a gift on the street, you have been jinxed.

Seeing a stranger give a gift to your child- one should expect a serious illness. Accepting gifts at work for no reason means getting ready to be fired. Accepting gifts from friends on the eve of your anniversary means long-awaited profits.

According to the idiomatic dream book receiving a gift means things will improve. You should expect profits from hidden sources. For a young girl, a dream in which she receives a lot of gifts promises her attention from the stronger sex. Joyful events are also possible, which will arise spontaneously and bring many pleasant meetings.

According to the wanderer's dream book, receiving gifts- to a happy coincidence. If you dreamed that a deceased person was giving you his favorite thing, such a dream suggests that you are under the protection of your ancestors.

It is always pleasant to receive gifts, even in a dream. If things have not been going well for a long time, your relationships with the opposite sex are not improving, and suddenly you have a dream in which you receive a gift - expect pleasant changes in life.

It will be filled with light and energy. The main thing is to be able to accept the gifts of fate with gratitude. Often people themselves refuse them, considering themselves unworthy, believing that it is not yet time to have children or a family. If you already had a dream in which you receive gifts, pay special attention to the upcoming events in your life. Life will not always be favorable; it does not give gifts to those who do not deserve it. What should you definitely do? Listen to the advice and signs of the dream - expect changes for the better, change for the better yourself.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why do you dream about a Gift?

The symbolism of gifts is linked to the original attitude of our ancestors to this act, when offerings were perceived as a manifestation of the highest respect. By laying gifts or presenting gifts, a person not only expressed his deep respect for the clan or tribe of the recipient, but also asked the gods to send him grace and blessing.

It is not surprising that most of the signs for which a gift is dreamed of are interpreted as a symbol of joy and positive events, no matter what they relate to: new relationships, improved health, the birth of children, or the success of all endeavors. For example, for enterprising people, an offering in a dream promises considerable profit and the conclusion of a profitable deal.

The most valuable story will be about a birthday gift - this is a higher power congratulating and celebrating with special luck for the whole coming year.

Psychological interpreter

What did the Gift mean in a dream according to Gestalt psychology:

The process of giving in psychoanalysis is associated with affection for a person, symbolizing sympathy and the desire to trust. Depending on the context, if you dreamed of a gift without reference to the recipient, it can be either a symbol of love or deep respect, or a sign of contempt.

In a dream, do you personally present a gift? This is a hint that you should open up to others in the near future in order to save your relationship. An empty wrapper portends disappointment in people.

If you dreamed about receiving a souvenir, it means that in reality you need to try to hide your true emotions and greet any news with a smile, so as not to offend your family. Receiving a desired gift means filling your life with happiness.

Romantic dream book

If you dreamed of a Gift, what does this mean for you:

Gifts for lovers help express feelings. Therefore, seeing a gift in a dream is a positive sign, representing the opportunity to deepen relationships, find true happiness, or make a new romantic acquaintance. If your lover handed you a bright box, but in a dream you forgot about it, this is a promise of a love meeting, a declaration of feelings on the part of a timid secret admirer.

A dream asking for an exotic souvenir promises an unusual meeting: an old friend will return to you to become your life partner, or a stranger will help you forget about previous love failures.

In a dream, did you ask someone to give a scarlet flower? The couple will have a girl. Did you dream of a beautiful box with expensive contents? This promises a pleasant meeting and romantic feelings.

Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream about a Gift, what is this dream about?

Receiving gifts in a dream is a sign that you will be unusually happy. For business people, such a gift predicts successful financial transactions. Receiving signs of attention on your birthday in a dream means extraordinary luck in everything. If a young woman receives a wonderful gift, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person. Sending someone a gift means losing an opportunity to solve your problems. If you give a birthday gift, it means that in reality you do not have any respect for this person.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

Why do you dream about a Gift in an everyday sense?

A gift is a symbol of sympathy, friendship, and the desire to win the trust of another person. Such a sign of attention can symbolize love, respect, contempt. It was believed that it was not customary to visit without a gift, but at the same time, any, even the most insignificant trinket should be accepted with gratitude. On this occasion, proverbs have appeared: “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”, “It’s not a gift that’s valuable, but attention.” If you dreamed that the person you love brings you a box with a gift, and you, out of happiness, forget to look at what is inside the box - the dream foreshadows a love meeting, a secret date; someone to whom you have long sympathized, but did not dare to take the first step, confesses his love to you; you will be surprised with pleasant news, a surprise. You are asked to bring a scarlet flower as a gift - to meet an unusual person; for the birth of a girl; to pleasant worries and an interesting journey.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about a Gift according to the dream book:

Receiving gifts in a dream means that you will be unusually happy. Gifts received in a dream by business people will bring successful financial transactions. Sending someone a gift in a dream means losing an opportunity to solve your problems. It is also possible that you dream of a gift that you will receive reproach from someone, which will annoy you. If a young woman receives a wonderful gift in a dream, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person. To dream of receiving birthday gifts in a dream means rare luck in everything. If you yourself present a gift in a festive setting, this means that in reality you do not have due respect for this person.

Esoteric dream book

Why dream about a gift, interpretation:

Gift - If the giver is known to you, expect trouble or hassle through him; if unknown, then someone wishes you harm and with their energy strikes you with what is called the “evil eye.” If you choose someone on the verge of financial loss, do not commit rash acts. By making a gift with your own hands, your material well-being is in your hands.

Idiomatic dream book

Dreaming of a Gift, what does it symbolize?

Gift (to give, to present) – “Give, present yourself, your love” (sacrifice), “present gifts”, “give people joy”, “gifts of nature (for example, the sea)”, “freely”, “give a son” , “Christmas gifts for the birthday”, “gift of fate.”

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Gift, souvenir – Overall, a convenient, happy occasion. A more specific interpretation depends on the dreamed object and can be a memory of a certain person, a feeling of love, a successful marriage. See Add. Prize, reward (r. Classes).

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

Making gifts means finding sympathy and understanding in an important matter.

To give away a lot is to be met with ingratitude for kindness.

Receiving gifts means good prospects for the future, new relationships, connections.

Receiving a ring as a gift is a very lucky sign: for a girl it is a faithful partner in love, an offer to marry, and for married women it means happiness in marriage.

Gifts received in a dream portend great happiness. For business people, such a dream promises successful financial transactions.

If in your dream you sent someone a gift, try not to miss a good opportunity to solve your problems. This dream is also fraught with irritation for you due to someone's inappropriate remark.

A young woman who received an expensive gift in a dream will in reality expect marriage to a wealthy and congenial person.

A dream about a birthday gift foreshadows rare luck in everything. And if you yourself give someone a gift for a holiday, then in real life you do not feel respect for this person.

A gift received from a man means possible danger, from a woman - anger. If you give a gift, your problems and worries will disappear.

Receiving a gift from someone in a dream means punishment for an imprudent act.

If in a dream a friend or lover gives you something as a keepsake, then an unexpected pleasant surprise will soon await you: friends who crave your good will do everything possible to achieve it.

for a young man, this dream means that his betrothed will be rich in virtue and beautiful in character, constant in her feelings and sincerely attached to him.

for a young woman - that her husband will be noble, like a true gentleman, rich, famous, perhaps they will have many children. If you yourself give gifts to someone, the dream foretells that you will have a happy opportunity to give them generously. But if in a dream you need to give a gift, but for some reason you cannot, this means poverty and confusion in business.

It was believed that it was not customary to visit without a gift, but at the same time, any gift, even the most insignificant, should be accepted with gratitude. On this occasion, proverbs have appeared: “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”, “It’s not a gift that’s valuable, but attention.”

To dream that the person you love brings you a box with a gift, and you, out of happiness, forget to look at what is inside the box - the dream foreshadows a love meeting, a secret date; someone to whom you have long sympathized, but did not dare to take the first step, confesses their love to you; you will be surprised with pleasant news, a surprise.

You are asked to bring a scarlet flower as a gift - to meet an unusual person; for the birth of a girl; to pleasant worries and an interesting journey.

Receiving gifts in a dream is a sign that you will be unusually happy. The gift promises business people successful financial transactions.

Sending someone a gift means losing an opportunity to solve your problems. It is also possible that you will receive reproach from someone, which will annoy you.

If a young woman receives a wonderful gift in a dream, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person.

Receiving birthday gifts in a dream promises you rare luck in everything. If you yourself give a gift in a festive setting, this means that in reality you do not have due respect for this person.

(for a woman) rich gifts - a happy marriage;

you give it yourself - profitable business.

To you - if the donor is known to you, expect troubles or troubles through him; if unknown, then someone wishes you harm and with their energy strikes you, what is called the “evil eye.”

If you choose someone, you are on the verge of financial losses, do not commit rash acts.

Making a gift with your own hands means your material well-being is in your hands.

What gift is given and to whom? This is an attempt to establish a balance in relationships in a dream - a message that speaks of a lack of communication and which suggests how to balance your relationships with others.

For what occasion is the gift given? If there is a direct reason for this - a birthday, a holiday, etc. - what do you expect from this celebration? Is the gift appropriate for the event being celebrated?

Perhaps a gift is expected, but no one gives anything. This fact reflects the inability to meet the expectations of others or, conversely, the inability of others to meet your expectations.

It is also likely that you simply do not understand what is expected of you.

Receive - your affairs will improve.

receive jewelry as a gift - you will be surrounded by hangers-on

Receive gifts that you do not like: most likely, you have been subjected to a mental attack - damage.

A gift is a symbol of sympathy, friendship, and the desire to win the trust of another person. A gift can symbolize love, respect, contempt.

To dream that the person you love brings you a box with a gift, and you, out of happiness, forget to look at what lies inside the box -

The dream foreshadows a love meeting, a secret date; someone to whom you have long sympathized, but did not dare to take the first step, confesses their love to you; you will be surprised with pleasant news, a surprise.

You are asked to bring flowers as a gift - to meet an unusual person; for the birth of a girl; to pleasant worries and an interesting journey.

Receiving gifts in a dream is a happy omen. Such a dream foretells that you will be happy in love.

For a girl, a dream in which she is given a gift foreshadows a happy marriage, and her husband will be rich and close to her in spirit.

If she dreams that she is giving a gift to her beloved, this means that in reality she does not have respect for him.

A gift, a souvenir - in general - a convenient, happy occasion. A more specific interpretation depends on the dreamed object and can be a memory of a certain person, a feeling of love, a successful marriage.

Giving something sharp (scissors, knives) means quarrel, hostility.

GIFT (to give, to present) – “to give oneself, one’s love” (sacrifice), “to present gifts”, “to give people joy”, “gifts of nature (for example, the sea)”, “for free”, “to bestow a son”, “ Christmas gifts, birthday gifts”, “gift of fate”.

Giving gifts to others portends ruin and disorder; receiving gifts means benefit and profit in the house.

A symbol of sympathy and friendly disposition. Judging by the nature of the gift, it can mean both favor and contempt.

present to ruin, receive to profit

a symbol of sympathy and friendly disposition. Judging by the nature of the gift, it can mean both favor and contempt.

To understand why you dream about a letter, be sure to remember all the details of the vision: you opened the envelope, wrote an answer to someone, perhaps held a whole stack of messages in your hands. Before starting deciphering, the dreamer must answer the question: “What did I feel in the dream: did the letter make me sad or happy?” What does a letter mean in a dream: does it promise news and gifts or warns of quarrels and dangers?

The meaning of night dreams according to various dream books: Miller, Hasse, Gypsy and others

The opinions of dream interpreters about the letter seen in the kingdom of Morpheus were divided. Many agree that night visions promise to receive some information. But there are other meanings.

  1. English. To gifts and performing noble deeds.
  2. The future. Unexpected news, meeting with friends.
  3. Wangi. Good news.
  4. Children's. Hear interesting news.
  5. Denise Lynn. Important information will be received.
  6. For a bitch. You will learn something interesting or meet old acquaintances.
  7. Health. A symbol of the fact that it is difficult to communicate with people due to mutual misunderstanding.
  8. Winters. To parting.
  9. Italian. Receive a message from the past, most likely negative. Information will push you to action.
  10. Islamic. The dream warns of troubles.
  11. Chinese. Success in business.
  12. Maly Velesov. To receive news, fun and joy.
  13. Miller. To a quarrel with a person with whom you have been communicating for a long time. The conflict will arise due to money problems.
  14. Newest. Romantic wishes are not destined to come true.
  15. Psychoanalytic. News from the past.
  16. Russian. Drive; making hasty decisions; learn something bad about your loved one.
  17. Family. Financial difficulties.
  18. Modern. You will be upset.
  19. Wanderer. On to the news. There is a telepathic connection between you and the recipient of the letter from the dream.
  20. Fedorovskaya. To the guests.
  21. Freud. A letter in night dreams symbolizes the fair sex or female genital organs.
  22. Hasse. To money and interesting messages.
  23. Gypsy. Towards a profitable discovery.
  24. Shereminskaya. Don't make hasty decisions.

If the letter read in your night dreams had a positive content, a happy event will occur. If the message you received had a negative message, get ready for trouble.

Writing a letter in a dream means receiving good news

What does a dream portend for a man and a woman?

The interpretation of a night vision also depends on who dreamed it.

  1. To a girl. Meet an influential man who will offer financial support. However, close people will not approve of this relationship.
  2. To a woman. You will learn juicy news from the life of a person dear to your heart.
  3. Pregnant. Hear from distant relatives.
  4. Married. The dream may indicate conflicts and quarrels in the family. If the letter from the dream was from a spouse, then there is a possibility that family quarrels will lead to divorce.
  5. To a man. You will begin to doubt the sincerity and loyalty of your passion.

If a man dreams that he is trying to take a letter from his wife, then he will develop unworthy hobbies that his wife will not approve of.

Did you dream that you found a whole stack of letters? In reality there will be great changes in life

Recipient in a dream: ex-boyfriend or husband, deceased and other characters

The interpretation of the dream is influenced by who the letter was received from.

  1. From an ex-boyfriend or husband. The dream indicates that this person often thinks about you in reality. Perhaps you will soon have a chance meeting or hear from him. The dream warns of possible misunderstandings with a new guy or man.
  2. From a dead person. Such a plot does not bode well. People you trust can deceive you. Receiving a love letter from a deceased person in a dream means longing. From a deceased relative: Be careful in new endeavors.
  3. From a man. Night dreams indicate that the recipient is constantly thinking about you, despite the long distance.
  4. From friend. Receive a happy message that will lift your spirits. Family dream book: meet a friend or receive good news from him.
  5. From a relative. Only you can find a way out of a difficult situation in reality, but you will have to try to do this.

If the letter received in the dream was in a red envelope, then passions in a love relationship will heat up. The partner will begin to be jealous and reproach. Be reasonable and do not give him a reason for this, otherwise you will have to break up with him.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus you received a letter written in black ink, then the actions of your friends in reality will cause indignation

In an envelope or on the table?

The interpretation of the dream also depends on where in the dream you saw the letter.

  1. In the mailbox. It's time to get down to business that has been put off for a long time.
  2. In an envelope. You will have a secret. This can apply to both family and work.
  3. On the table. Guests who can tell you a lot of interesting things will pay a visit.

If a woman dreamed that she was hiding a letter from her lover in her heart, then she will soon experience jealousy and worry about the appearance of a rival.

Why do you dream of receiving a letter, writing and other actions?

It is important to remember the events that occur in night dreams with a letter.

  1. Get. To gifts and good news from a person you haven’t seen for many years. Newest dream book: get sick; Russian dream book - to bad news about a loved one.
  2. Write. You will do something useful or receive good news. For sick people, night vision promises recovery. Russian dream book - for hasty decisions.
  3. Read. Hear interesting details about your friends. Small Velesov dream book: you will experience many happy moments. If in a dream you happen to read someone else’s letter, you will accidentally learn the other person’s secret. Such a dream can also promise a meeting with an interesting person - acquaintance will eventually develop into a strong friendship.
  4. Send. Perform a selfless act that will become a source of pride. Small Velesov dream book: meet a friend.
  5. Losing it means disagreements and quarrels in reality.
  6. Keep in hand. The dreamer's behavior towards business partners and a loved one will be considered unworthy.
  7. Tear or throw away. A mistake is likely when starting new things. Be careful.
  8. Open the envelope. You will be able to deal with old matters that you have put on the back burner.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus the letter was in a wrinkled and dirty envelope, get ready for an unpleasant conversation in reality.

If in a dream you were looking through old letters, then this is a sign of sadness for old times. Do you often remember events from long ago?

What kind of letter is it: love, wet or with a photo

  1. Love. If it was written on beautiful paper, then harmony reigns in your sex life.
  2. With a photo. News about relatives will make the dreamer worry and worry.
  3. Custom. Financial problems will arise. Family dream book: quarrel with an old acquaintance over money issues.
  4. Anonymous. A stranger will hurt you. Sending such a letter to someone in a dream is a sign of jealousy. The opinion will arise that your opponent is superior to you in some way.
  5. Undiscovered. Psychoanalytic dream book: vision symbolizes virginity.
  6. Open. Sexual intercourse, deflowering.
  7. Unread. You will be ignored by others or colleagues.
  8. On colored paper. To failures in business and problems in personal relationships.
  9. Torn. By stupidity, you can make a big mistake, because of which your reputation will suffer.
  10. Wet. Receive news that will greatly upset you.
  11. Bordered in black - to bad news in reality.

How many letters did you dream about: one or many?

If one, you are a bright and extraordinary person, but you do not always treat others with due respect. It's time to reconsider your behavior and start treating people more favorably.

If there is a lot, the dream indicates a lot of household chores that cause fatigue and depression. You need to rest and relax, to be alone with yourself. If you dreamed of a mailbox filled to the brim with envelopes: the dream indicates the dreamer’s rich inner world and deep knowledge in different areas of life. You are able to discern something unusual in seemingly ordinary things.

If in your night dreams you had to drop a letter into the dirt, then get ready for difficulties and misunderstanding of others in real life.

A person who checked his email in a dream should also check his email service for an important Internet message in reality.

Other dreams about letters

A dream in which the postman brought a letter foreshadows bad news. The information you receive will greatly upset you.

If in a dream a letter addressed to you was intercepted, in reality you should be wary of slander from competitors.

Was the message you dreamed of written in blue ink? This is a good sign. The dream indicates constancy in love and romantic relationships.

Filling out business papers in a dream means trouble. If in the kingdom of Morpheus you had to compose poems or stories, as well as write down your thoughts on paper, then in reality a lot of work will pile up, and there will be practically no free time left.

Sending a letter to a loved one in a dream means a quarrel, but sending a message via electronic means means vain hopes for success.

I dreamed of a letter on colored paper - to possible failures in my personal life in reality

If you get into the hands of a letter intended for another person, then many problems will arise in the business sphere.

If in a dream the letter you sent was returned, then in reality you are hatching immoral plans. It’s better to refuse to implement them, otherwise you will greatly regret what you did.

Writing a letter to a deceased person in a dream or sending him a telegram means death.

There are no accidents in dreams. Any events that happen in night dreams are worth paying attention to. If you dreamed of a letter, then be sure to remember all the details of the vision and do not forget to look in the dream book to interpret what you saw.