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Formation of communication skills by junior schoolchildren in extracurricular activities. Features of communication among junior schoolchildren Communication in extracurricular activities

“Organization of extracurricular activities and communication among junior schoolchildren.”

The problem of students' employment in their free time has arisen. I take coverage of extracurricular activities in the following areas: spiritual and moral, civil-patriotic, intellectual, health-preserving, family. Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational process at school, fully contributing to the implementation of the requirements of federal educational standards of general education. Combines all types of activities of schoolchildren 9 except academic). It is an integral part of the educational process and one of the forms of organizing students’ free time. A properly organized system can maximally develop or shape the cognitive needs and abilities of each student

Program of extracurricular activities of the general intellectual direction “Clever and smart girls”

The program is designed for all students, but individual training characteristics will be taken into account when planning each lesson. When studying the course, students are provided with great opportunities for independent work, search activities, and creative tasks.

The purpose of this course: development of students’ cognitive abilities based on a system of developmental activities.

Main goals:

    develop thinking in the process of forming the basic techniques of mental activity: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, the ability to highlight the main thing, prove and disprove, draw simple conclusions;

    develop mental cognitive processes: various types of memory, attention, visual perception, imagination;

    develop linguistic culture and form speech skills: express your thoughts clearly and clearly, define concepts, build conclusions, argue your point of view;

    develop creative thinking skills and develop the ability to solve non-standard problems;

    develop cognitive activity and independence of mental activity of students;

    form and develop communication skills: the ability to communicate and interact in a team, work in pairs, groups, respect the opinions of others, objectively evaluate your work and the activities of classmates;

    to develop the skill of applying acquired knowledge and skills in the process of studying school disciplines and in practical activities.

Planned learning outcomes for students

elective program “Clever and smart girls”

The program ensures that students achieve the following personal, meta-subject and subject results.

Personal universal learning activities (hereinafter referred to as UUD)

The student will have formed:

    the student’s internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards classes;

    interest in subject-research activities offered during extracurricular elective classes;

    understanding the moral content of the actions of others;

    ethical feelings (sympathy, shame, guilt, conscience) based on an analysis of the actions of classmates and one’s own actions;

    idea of ​​one's ethnicity.

The student will have the opportunity to form:

    interest in understanding the world around us;

    orientation towards analyzing the compliance of the results with the requirements of a specific educational task;

    self-assessment based on specified criteria for the success of educational activities;

    feelings of belonging and pride for one’s homeland and people;

    ideas about one’s civic identity in the form of awareness of “I” as a citizen of Russia;

    orientation in behavior towards accepted moral standards;

    understanding the feelings of classmates and teachers;

    ideas about the beauty of nature in Russia and their native land based on materials from the Russian language kit.

Regulatory UUD

The student will learn:

    accept and save the learning task;

    take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher;

    accept established rules in planning and controlling the solution method;

    in collaboration with the teacher and class, find several options for solving the educational problem;

    carry out step-by-step monitoring of the results under the guidance of a teacher;

    make necessary adjustments to actions based on accepted rules;

    adequately perceive the assessment of your work by teachers, comrades, and other persons;

    take a role in educational collaboration;

    carry out educational activities orally, in writing, and internally.

    control and evaluate your actions in collaboration with the teacher and classmates;

    based on the results of solving practical problems, draw theoretical conclusions about the properties of the studied linguistic facts and phenomena in collaboration with the teacher and classmates;

    independently adequately assess the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the execution at the end of the action.

Cognitive UUD

The student will learn:

    use signs, symbols, tables, diagrams;

    construct a message orally;

    focus on the possible variety of ways to solve a learning task;

    analyze the objects under study, highlighting essential and non-essential features;

    perceive the meaning of the presented text;

    analyze objects highlighting essential and non-essential features (in the collective organization of activities);

    carry out synthesis as composing a whole from parts;

    carry out comparison, serialization and classification of the studied objects according to independently identified grounds (criteria) when indicating the number of groups;

    establish cause-and-